Sunday, December 27, 2009

5. Pass the Mini-Bus Test

This happened a few weeks back now, but i did manage to pass the mini bus test and have been able to take a few trips out in the universities bus!

I am actually really proud of this one, not because I passed but because it is an item on the list that has helped me to try new things that I hadn’t tried before, which as this was the ethos of the blog fits really well.

Now the above in my opinion is too short for a post in my opinion, so let me share this small anecdote with you. My University’s Student Union provides students with the opportunity to take part in volunteering activities, now I had never considered taking part in these as I never thought that they would quite be my cup of tea. On this point I was very very wrong! (This is why I am adding volunteering to the list!) On one of the MAD days I volunteered to help out by doing the mini bus driving for I arrived at the uni and the battery of the bus was flat, cue an hour and a half of stress, failed attempts to jump start a ford transit with a ford ka, a failed attempt to warm people up with hot chocolate from a closed bar, and a panicked phone call to the breakdown assistance people! Luckily we did manage to eventually get the bus going and got to Swanage, but more on that later!

I hope in the coming year to take many trips in the mini buses and that these will lead to many more experiences that I can blog about!

18. Play World of Warcraft

Now this one slightly goes against the ethos of the blog. The idea was I tried things I always wanted to but ever had. Now WoW was always one of those things I had mocked my friends for and had decided I was not sad enough to waste my time on something so trivial.

However recently as some of my friends may have notice I have been MIA from the internet for a little while and this is down to my discovery of WoW. Now in a rare set of circumstances it was actually my girlfriend who badgered me to give the game a shot and once I had I was hooked.

I had always had the sneaking suspicion if I tried it I would like it as  I had been addicted to an MMORPG before which was very similar, and I was right. The difference this time is that i am not a lonely 12 year old with way to much time on my hands.

My only hope as I try to level my new character is that I do not loose sight of the real world and this list and its aims as I seek out new adventures both on Earth and in Azeroth.

I wrote this a while ago and never posted it, and as a new post soon will affirm there are many items I have not accomplished, and I can honestly not blame WoW for these failures!

Monday, November 16, 2009

14.C Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Now i have a mild confession on this, I have read book one before however I had never read the entire collection because as I have said in a previous post I am not the biggest reader so decided that all five books would be a fitting challenge to be added to the list.

Now I was surprised going through the books that I did not enjoy all of them as much as i thought I would. I love the first book however the next two though still very much in the same vein as the first to me just were not as enjoyable to read. It just felt like I was reading it but not truly taking anything in. “So Long and Thanks for all the Fish” was however a great way to end the quadrillogy, it is a joy to read.

Now I have said end but it is not truly the end of the story, after Douglas Adam’s unfortunate death the contents of his Mac hard drive was collated after a herculean effort onto a CD-ROM and much of it was collated into the final instalment of the book “The Salmon of Doubt”. When you start reading you find a lot out about the character of Douglas Adams and how he became the person he became. Unfortunately while you are reading this section you are slowly wondering where the next section of the H2G2 story is, and i can tell you in my copy at least this starts on page 203.

However what starts on this page is not a hitchhiker book but a dirk gently book. A slight disappointment but never mind. This had lead to me now wanting to read the entire Dirk Gently series but that will probably have to wait till the new year!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

2.B Ireland: Drink a pint of Guinness and do the Liffey Descent

Now just to get it out the way yes I have had a pint of Guinness before and I am not the biggest beer drinker so I am not overly fond of it but this was the first full pint I had ever drunk in Ireland.

Now that's out the way onto the Liffey.

The Liffey Descent is an annual canoe and kayak race which this year celebrated its 50th year. The race itself includes 11 or so “obstacles” including various different drops over weirs, rapids and a jungle area complete with rogue logs that like to jump out and surprise unsuspecting paddlers.

Now I was very nervous at the start of the race, even though we where not racing I do not have a huge amount of white water experience and was relying a lot on my team mate to get me down “dry”. Which after all I had head from the members of Staffordshire Canoe Club I was with was something that we should have been able to accomplish.

The race is divided into two with a portage (moving the boats out of the water) in the middle. The first half of the race features a few weirs and finished with “The Lake” which is a huge slog across open water which removes the last traces of energy you have, but after some lucozade, chocolate and a cereal bar I was ready for the second half.

The second half features what I believe to be the harder, or more terrifying, weirs. You start by getting into a boat and immediately trying to get through a set of rapids under a bridge, if you get this slightly wrong not only could you be swimming but you may end up with a boat wrapped round a bridge which isn't very useful to anyone. Once through you move down river dropping down each of the four remaining weirs. The most worrying weir we faced, which according to my team mate was the one on which we where most likely to swim was Parmeston. Once you drop you break through the first standing wave. once trough you can put in about 2 paddles before being thwacked head on by the second, at this point your sinuses are clear and the front man (in this case me) is completely hidden under the wave from the person in the back so if you are not read you are washed straight out of the boat and out of the bottom of the weir. Lucky we survived the waves sinuses clear and continued down the river.

In our Class we came in 55th place with a time of 3:43:26 but more importantly we got down dry! Which for my first Liffey was a brilliant achievement and my heart felt thanks goes out to all those members of Staffordshire Canoe Club that helped me in this endeavour.

There are a couple of photos of me in the boat which can be found here

Friday, September 11, 2009


Now I have completed another item on my list, however I felt I would write a general post before I updated the blog again.

It occurs to me that there is only three and a half months left of this year and I am imminently returning to university to begin my final year, this has lead me to think a lot about the possibility of failing to complete items on my list. Now this does sadden me but not as much as I thought it might.

You see I proposed this list to make myself get off my bottom and take my life into my own hands and make things happen to me instead of waiting for them to come along, and in completing all the things I have I have had a much more active and memorable year than any other on record. Now my hope here is that this will of course continue on into the future and I will not be limited to just 21 things to do in one year but instead hundreds of things across my(hopefully long and healthy) lifetime.

So as the clock strikes twelve this year I hope that I will not return to my usual depressive stupor wishing for something to come along and throw my life up and bring me some much needed excitement, but will instead look back at this blog and my accomplishments and will look forward to 2010 and all the new adventures it will bring.

1. Visit a New Country - Venice

So this i thought for a while would turn out to be one of the items I might fail at the end of the year. Turns out I was wrong.

A few weeks ago I decided I had had enough of being the one stuck at home and would go away for a weekend with my girlfriend. So I started looking round the internet for a few deals eventually I found a nice deal in Venice. Well what we thought as Venice but actually turned out to be a half an hour train ride from Venice.

So we packed our bag boarded our plane and where on our way to Venice. The first night we took a wonder around the area of the hotel and realised that there was nothing around! So we got a Pizza (I ordered in appalling Italian but we did get what we asked for) and went back to the hotel.

The second day we where going into Venice so asked for directions to the train station and started to walk. After 2 hours of walking around, asking 3 people in Italian for directions and then meeting a very nice man who drove us to the station, he was also kind enough to tell us that our hotel was terrible, and we boarded a train to Venice (without a ticket!).

Now Venice is a beautiful City there was lots to see and we walked around for several hours in the gorgeous Mediterranean, however we soon realised that we had basically seen everything! Now as i said it was all very beautiful and I am very glad I have seen it (before it sinks) but we soon realised that this was by no means somewhere to spend a weekend. So my advice is that if you want to see Venice then definitely go, but only as a day trip when you are touring other parts of Italy.

Our third and final full day in Italy was a Sunday, now unfortunately as a catholic country (and because our hotel was naff) everything was closed. We spent the day in the hotel room playing cards mostly popping out briefly for a walk around the streets of closed shops. This was also the day I finally worked out the Air conditioning system, which we could have done with when we first arrived!

In all it was a good trip, however it has also taught me a lot about booking your own holiday and hopefully next time I will be able to book something slightly less eventful!

Photo’s to follow!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Silly Me…

I have had a revelation… this blog as the title suggests was inspired by my 21st birthday this was now just over a month ago. There was a party and celebrations, however I didn't blog a single minute of it!

Now as I have blogged (read moaned) about before I fell ill just before my birthday so the day itself was actually a complete cop out, sat around all day and had a happy meal for lunch and one whole slice of pizza for tea. Because of this the party was going to be the big birthday bonanza (it had been in planning for around 6 months).

The party in the end was brilliant, I ended up completely ragged out by the end of it, and was only on the lemonade, but it was worth it. The DJ was booked after a bizarre and unfortunate chain of events and I had no idea what to expect. Though I do not think anyone would have expected the evil Cuban dwarf twin of the chuckle brothers to turn up!

We danced, we drank (those who could, and some that couldn't!), and ate a wonderful buffet. From all the feedback I heard people had a genuinely good time including me, so until the next time I will hang up my party planning beret and move onto my next brilliant scheme!

Before I sign off a quick thank you to all who attended, gave presents, worked, couldn't make but sent well wished, and everyone else involved in the party!

Monday, July 27, 2009

16.c Try a new type of Transport, Horses

Yesterday saw me take on possibly my scariest challenge yet as I attempted to ride a savage and wild horse, well lazy and stubborn.

Now I hadn’t ridden before so when the idea for this particular challenge came around I had no idea how to start, luckily for me my girlfriend used to be a keen rider and new both where the stable was to go riding but also had a vague idea of how to ride too.

We arrived at Courtlands early one Saturday afternoon to join the adult riding lesson, with me as the most in experienced rider brining up the rear. First I learnt how to walk, and lead Tommy, the lovely horse which was unfortunate enough to be given me as a rider, around the school.

After a while, and the teacher apparently being quite harsh on me (though I hadn’t noticed), it was time for me to take a step forward and learn how to trot. Now this was an insane feeling as I got bounced up and down and tossed around everywhere, but slowly as the lesson continued slowly I could feel myself beginning to move up and down instead of Tommy making me bounce.

All in all I had a great time so thank you to Courtlands for the experience, which I may have to try again at some point.


Friday, July 24, 2009


Now this year was meant to all be about firsts, things that I have never done before. Now this got me thinking about some of the things I have done this year which I have never done before. This made me think about the list, so I have added a few things that have happened to me so far this year that I have never done before.

For example, I had never (in fact no-one in my family had ever) spent a night in hospital. Unfortunately due to the glandular fever and doctors worrying more about swine flu than what was actually wrong with me I got to this year. Not a great experience but definitely an experience. (Number 17)

We will just have to see what I can organise, or what comes up in the rest of the year to complete the last four items on the list.

Apologies for the short post, especially as it is long overdue! However I am off horse riding tomorrow and hopefully all being well I shall blog that!

P.S. I wonder if i should try vlogging one of my posts :S

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

16.c Four wheels are better than two!

Well an opportunity arose to have a go on a motorbike. Well I asked a friend if he would mind me having a go on his restricted learners bike as I didn’t think this could do me much harm, this is where I went wrong. It was a sunny day in an Essex car park I had the helmet on and had listened intently to my “instructor”, it was at this point I should have said “Would you mind going through that again please just so I am sure on this?” however I climbed on the bike and gave it a try.

I pulled in the clutch, put the bike in gear, turned the accelerator slightly and nothing! I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t moving then thought about it and realised I hadn't released the clutch, so slowly (I thought) I released the pressure and whoosh I was off. I got about four foot and then panicked, I was coming up to a kerb didn't understand how to turn properly and tried to brake. This unfortunately in my state of mild panic this didn't work as well as I hoped but as my body came in contact with the car park floor I knew I had stopped, I stood up and just said “I’m ok” whilst my friends laughed and the bike owner checked his bike was ok. Luckily this event  was also captured on video, so for your viewing pleasure I present my attempt at riding a motorcycle.

2.a England: Drink a pint of scrumpy and see a show on the West End

This challenge has possibly been one of the most expensive so far, which actually kind of surprised me. However I am sure that visiting a new country will be a tad more expensive!

Now this all started on a family holiday to Cornwall, this is when I picked up the very very nice scrumpy from Healeys Cornish Cyder Farm. Now I drank this at the time, because I didn't want it to spoil depending on how long it took to get to the west end, and it was gorgeous. Now I am a big cider drinker anyway so this wasn’t a huge hardship for me but it was nice to try something new!

The second half of this challenge is the West End Show and around the time I started blogging a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go with her, and as I wasn’t really looking to go see a musical all alone and I don’t get to see her very often I dually accepted. The date was set and I booked the tickets for The Lion King at the Lyceum theatre. When we arrived in London we got slightly lost trying to find the theatre but my new iPhone came to the rescue and sent us in the right direction. The show itself was spectacular the music was brilliant, and the costumes inspired. In fact I liked the music so much I ended up buying the CD partly so I could find out those lyrics I missed live. It is a great family show and I would recommend it to anyone it is a great way to spend an afternoon in London.

Thank you to the girls for keeping me company at the musical and my parents for the “free” holiday in Cornwall.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Howdy Stranger!

Apologies it has taken me so long to type to you guys but my life has been mildly hectic over the past month or so! I have managed to complete a few tasks from the list, finished my placement, travelled to Bournemouth and gotten ill.

I will blog the completed items in the usual way and just use this post as a general chatty post. Though as usual I have no idea what to say!

As I said I have finished my placement, so I am no longer working at Microsoft. This means a) I have a lot more time for myself, b) I no longer have any money, and c) my computing friends can't think I’m evil anymore! It was a great experience and I wouldn't have changed any of it! Unfortunately this does mean I now have to write the essay about my placement however I do have a little time for that!

The other bit you may be wondering about is the bit where I said I am ill. For those that haven't already heard is that for two weeks I have been suffering from Glandular Fever. I have had loads of well wishes and to all of those that sent them thank you very much!
Glandular Fever is one of those things which no-one seems to talk about however once you are infected everyone has a story about it, this has lead to a huge array of opinions and stories about how long the recovery is and what the symptoms are! The general consensus is that it takes 2-4 weeks to begin to feel vaguely normal, well I am at the two week point and am beginning to feel mildly normal, just don't look it. This means hopefully by my birthday party I will be ok!

Yes that's right the day has finally come and tomorrow I turn 21, this marks the half way point in the year and I am pretty sure I am not half way through the list, also I still do not have a complete list! This is possibly the most annoying thing, but hopefully soon I will have a brain wave and complete the list so watch this space!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It’s a new dawn, It’s a new day for me..

…and I’m feeling good.

That's right my beloved readers, I am happy in my life! Which makes a pleasant change. Since my last post I have made some progress on the list and been generally happy and bouncy!

In terms of the list I went to see the Lion King and went to a cider farm (actually did that a while ago but was waiting to blog it till I saw the show), been learning the joys of Guinness ready for my trip over in September, and well actually that is it!

I had a good friend visit me this weekend and I was supposed to be crossing off number 9, unfortunately my loving mother decided it would be a good time to protest against this one! So now this is on hold till i return to the lovely Bournemouth for my final year of university.

In other blog relate news..

I still am struggling to think of ideas to complete the list of 21 things. I can’t think of a new poll, and life has got busier recently leading to a lack of posts! However, my calendar is becoming less hectic, and girlfriend willing I should hopefully be back to a weekly schedule soon!

One final note, as of Monday there are now 7 weeks until I finally bite the big one and turn 21! So if anyone has any suggestions of things I should add to the list to do before the big day let me know soon!

Blog to you all soon! Especially as I will write the post for 2.A. now and publish it later in the week!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Heylo everyone!

Apologies I haven't blogged in a while, my life as always is hectic. However there has been little progress with the list!

The little progress that has been made regards my becoming a scout leader, I now hold a pre-warrant meaning I am allowed to do it but need to take the training, well I have already been doing the training and have been waiting for the pre-warrant to get things made official! So hopefully within the next month I should be a properly fully qualified Leader! (Hopefully by St George’s Day so that I can take my first promise as a Leader!)

There have been a couple of suggestions made in regards to a number 17 however nothing has been pinned down yet, but as soon as I know I will blog it here first (as I have no-where else really to blog it).

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Number 16

The segway ride at Goonhill got me thinking and I have final come up with number 16 for the list. I had wanted to ride the segway for a while and there where a few other types of transport I have want to try. So number 16 is:

16. Try 3 new types of Transport: Segway, Horse, ?

Now the ? poses the problem with this one, you see what I would like to include on the list is a personal Hovercraft however I am pretty sure this would not be possible.

So I turn to you, my friends and readers, can anyone suggest another?

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Many Adventures of a Maniac

Some of you may have noticed a lack of blog lately, this is due to a rather hectic 9 days and a distinct lack of mobile reception and internet access!

It all started on Friday the 13th when I ventured forth to Bournemouth. It was my Mum’s 50th on the Sunday and as part of the celebrations we where going on holiday to Cornwall with my Nan and Granddad , mum however as the constant worrier when it comes to me driving long distances didn't want me driving from home straight to Cornwall hence the random diversion. The diversion however gave me time for other things but I’m not about to blog that one into the public domain!

Anyway after a lovely weekend in Bournemouth I drove to Cornwall. Spent a lovely week visiting a load of different beaches, taking a load of photos, a nice meal at Bodmin Jail, a trip to Lands end and Dr Who Up Close, a trip to Healey Cider Farm, and a visit to Goonhilly and whilst there even got to ride a segway.

On Friday I moved onto my next location, this time a little closer to home. I lead a group of Explorers to HEAT (An activity weekend organised within Herts) which was brilliant fun. It was my first camp as a “Leader”, though technically I am not one yet, and it was a blast even though I did end up exhausted, gunged, drenched and frozen which just served as a brilliant reminder of why I love the Scout Association so much!

After camp I came home, all in all I travelled around 1090 miles! not bad for nine days! Though think I may just have a rest for a bit before I plan something that manic again!

14.E Twilight – Stephenie Meyer

So the first book has been read, and what a read! When someone suggested I read this book at first I was very hesitant as from what I had heard about it, which was a lot given the film had just released, I thought it was just going to be some soppy teen girl love story with no real plot. However I must admit I was pleasantly surprised I loved it, there is the soppy teen love story (but as an avid fan of chick flicks if I’m honest this didn’t worry me) however it was backed up with some good dialogue and great history for the characters. The history of those characters however is not completely revealed as this is just the first book in a series of four, I have now bought the another 2 books to read from the series which I will probably get round to reading once I have gotten through those which appear on the list!

Sorry my review isn’t hugely detailed but I wasn’t entirely sure what else exactly I could say!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Life Less Ordinary

Well heylo my darling readers!

Life recently has been manic, but in a brilliant way! I'm so busy but have been loving everything I have been up to so I can't complain.

Have not yet been able to cross off the next item on the list, however am nearing the end of the first book! Have decided the best way to blog the completion of those is to write mini reviews! This will be a challenge in itself. Some of you may wonder how there is a challenge in reading 5 books, well the answer is that to be honest I'm not the biggest reader in the world. I was making a list of the books that I have actually read and the list only got to 5, and that applies to a 8 year period of my life! It is also noting one of those 5 is the one I am reading at the moment.

A little bit of housekeeping now! I would like to draw your attention back to the post I made about challenge 4, I have now included a link to a slideshow of photos from the challenge. I was just going to add a slideshow to the blogs page however due to factors of my existing accounts and what I like to use this was nigh on impossible.

Just before I close I would just like to evangelise something. I know I will get told off for being a fan boy here however the more I play with things the more I am loving them. This post was written using Windows Live Writer, an excellent little program which I recommend to anyone keeping a blog. The best bit being that I have been able to spell check this post without having to copy and paste between the website and a word processing program. Another brilliant thing about it is that it allows you to write a blog offline, store a draft then publish at your convenience when online!

Finally a brief note to any of you out there that don’t currently keep a blog. DO IT! I am loving having this blog, and have decided that once the year is over that I will have to continue blogging. However I will set up a new site for this I think.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Something a Little Off Topic!

Wordle: Dave's21

Found this neat website that takes a look at text and pulls out the most common words, decided to plug my blog in and here is the result! Appologies about size but the site has a wierd policy!

Would like to point out I can't see many spelling mistakes in there, meaning I can't make the same mistakes to often!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

4. Make your own pasta from scratch

Let there be no more suspense! This weekend I get to cross off the first full item from my list. When the list first went up a friend volunteered to help me out with a few of the harder to organise items and also told me that he happened to own a pasta machine! So with this knowledge I made my way to his place.

My Friday, a supposed day off from work, comprised of a tenish mile walk for which my feet are yet to forgive me and the chance to make my own pasta. Suprisingly it was astonishingly easy, you mix the flour and egg together then pass it through the machine, again and again and again!

If you would like to see some photos from this challenge take a look at a slideshow here (You may need to have Silverlight installed which can be downloaded here)

Oh and to any family reading this a pasta machine would make an excellent birthday present! You have seventeen weeks!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A post or something like one at least!

Sorry for the delay in a new blog, I just can't get into the mindset to be able to write a post without bleeding my heart out. This would probably bore, offend, annoy or give you more of an incite into my life than I am quite comfitable with.

I hope that I will have a new post next weekend as I do have plans to tick something of the list, which item I won't say just to keep you in suspence. That and the plans are not finalised yet so it may all go to pot yet.

Blog to you soon.

P.S. Thank you to all those who read my blog, I set up the tracking the other day due to intrigue and am hugely amazed at the volume of people who read this but also come back to read the updates. To you I am hugely greatful and I hope one day I am able to convey my appreciation to you all properly.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been 2 weeks since my last blog!

Though in all fairness not a blooming lot has happened. Apart from one friend/reader complaining about my spelling (Hence why this has been through a splel chekcer).

To be honest the list is beginning to get to me. It’s not because I don’t want to do anything, or I feel pressure to get the bits done. The reason I am getting annoyed at it is that I don’t know how to finish it off. Those who have read properly know I want to do 21 things for my 21st, unfortunately the list only extends to 15 in its present incarnation. On that note, any suggestions of items to add to the list are truly welcome!

Apologies for the short post, but not much to say. Until the next time…

Sunday, January 25, 2009

2.C Scotland: Drink a decent Whisky and attend Burns Night

Happy Birthday Rabbie!

The astute of you will note that this post has been written on Burns night and could be confused! Well let me just straighten up the issue quickly and say I had by Burns Supper yesturday, I have unfortunetly not yet mastered time travel!

It was dark and cold when I de-iced mums car to head off to the airport to begin my journey! Driving to Luton slowly the sun came out and the day began to look alot brighter. Arriving at the airport I skipped check-in, the wonder of the internet :), and head to my plane! The hour long flight took no time at all and saw me get some time to catch up on my reading, have completed the first H2G2 book and am now on "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe".

Landing in Edinburgh I switched my phone on to find my escort had over slept and that I would need to find my way to Waverly Station alone, which turned out to be a relitively simple task! Once I got there I met up with Vix, a fellow scout I know through an online forum, who took me round a few of the sights and smells of Edinburgh (standoing on the roof of National Museum of Scotland to me smells of Cherios!) . We had lunch in one of the coolest places I have been in a while, Frankenstiens, by the name you might just be able to guess the place's theme. Was brilliant the decor was brilliant, and the food was good in the main (had a slightly crispy lasagne).

We then made a way to Stiriling where we where to have our Burns Night Supper. We met Jo at the station and as good scouts went to help with the prep work for the evening. My task was to cut up the sweede, 15 of them at least, which is enough to put you off sweede for a while*.

Once everything was preped, including the hall, food and ofcourse myself in a good suit! It was time for the true events of the evening to begin. The haggis was piped out and we toasted Rabbie with a wee dram of whiskey (This forfilled the task!). I personally love haggis so quickly tucked in. There where a few more toasts as is tradition including a rather hilarious "Toast to the Lassies" as Rabbie had love for the greater things in life Poetry, Girls and Whisky!

Once dinner was over there was a traditional Ceilidh, to which I applied my most masterful dancing talent, and didnt embarass myself to much!

All in all I had a great time and would like to thank Vikki for inviting me and everything else she has done for me to help me complete my first task! I would also like to extend thanks to the Scotish Network who held the event, especially Jo Peek who organised the entire thing single handed.

(Apologies photos are missing at the moment but I haven't taken a look at what I have, and also as I know there where a few cameras at the event I want to see if I can get a few better ones!)

*Got home to find mum in the kitchen preparing a sweede for dinner, just cant escape them now!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ok, OK ...

Ok so I am slightly behind on my blog, but it is only a few days! I am begining to realise how much of a stretch this blog might be given just how hectic January has been so far!

TIP: Do not book 4 weekends in a row to go away and work Monday to Friday. This ends with you getting tired, very tired! (and have onbly just done the first weekend away!)

In regards to the list, well I spoke to the District Adult Training person and attend the first training session tomorrow so will be one section closer to being a leader. Unfortunetly though the person who is supposed to be registering me is proving rather elusive!

The hair dying is proving to be the most popular thing for people to offer me advice on, apparently I should dye it an inky blue to go with my eyes (Bonus points to those who know what colour my eyes are).

Appart from this there really isn't much to update you on! Oh, well you may want to tune in sometime after sunday for the monumentous event of crossing the first item of off the list as I venture forth into the wilds of Scotland.

Friday, January 9, 2009

One Week...

Ok, I have had some asks to blog again because it has been a week and to keep it a "regular blog" I should update it at a minimum once a week. My only problem with that is Im not entirely sure of the point of blogging unless you have something to say, so with this in mind I apologise for any ramblings and on to the update!

Well the list unfortunetly isnt finished yet, but I have added it so it appears at the top of the blog and I will check bits off and link it to the relevent blog posts so it will act as a form of contents I suppose.

As far as acting on the items I have started reading Hitchhikers (again - have only read the first) and am currently on chapter 12, which for me isnt bad. I have booked the flights up to Edinburgh for the 24th so am all set for a Burns Supper and traditional Ceilidh.

Well that's all for now, blog to you all (well as far as I know 3 of you!) again later!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Begining!

Heylo World!

Welcome to this my chronicling of my 21st year upon this earth! Due to 2009 being the year I turn 21 I decided that I would make sure this year was one to remember, this made me start writing a list of 21 different things that I should do during the year that I had never done before but either always wanted to or think its something I should give a go.

Now an item on this list is to keep an up-to-date blog, so this you see I am hoping will be that blog. It means not only can I chronicle the items on the list as I complete them.

So hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I hope I will enjoying doing the things I write about!
