Monday, July 27, 2009

16.c Try a new type of Transport, Horses

Yesterday saw me take on possibly my scariest challenge yet as I attempted to ride a savage and wild horse, well lazy and stubborn.

Now I hadn’t ridden before so when the idea for this particular challenge came around I had no idea how to start, luckily for me my girlfriend used to be a keen rider and new both where the stable was to go riding but also had a vague idea of how to ride too.

We arrived at Courtlands early one Saturday afternoon to join the adult riding lesson, with me as the most in experienced rider brining up the rear. First I learnt how to walk, and lead Tommy, the lovely horse which was unfortunate enough to be given me as a rider, around the school.

After a while, and the teacher apparently being quite harsh on me (though I hadn’t noticed), it was time for me to take a step forward and learn how to trot. Now this was an insane feeling as I got bounced up and down and tossed around everywhere, but slowly as the lesson continued slowly I could feel myself beginning to move up and down instead of Tommy making me bounce.

All in all I had a great time so thank you to Courtlands for the experience, which I may have to try again at some point.


Friday, July 24, 2009


Now this year was meant to all be about firsts, things that I have never done before. Now this got me thinking about some of the things I have done this year which I have never done before. This made me think about the list, so I have added a few things that have happened to me so far this year that I have never done before.

For example, I had never (in fact no-one in my family had ever) spent a night in hospital. Unfortunately due to the glandular fever and doctors worrying more about swine flu than what was actually wrong with me I got to this year. Not a great experience but definitely an experience. (Number 17)

We will just have to see what I can organise, or what comes up in the rest of the year to complete the last four items on the list.

Apologies for the short post, especially as it is long overdue! However I am off horse riding tomorrow and hopefully all being well I shall blog that!

P.S. I wonder if i should try vlogging one of my posts :S