Saturday, February 28, 2009

4. Make your own pasta from scratch

Let there be no more suspense! This weekend I get to cross off the first full item from my list. When the list first went up a friend volunteered to help me out with a few of the harder to organise items and also told me that he happened to own a pasta machine! So with this knowledge I made my way to his place.

My Friday, a supposed day off from work, comprised of a tenish mile walk for which my feet are yet to forgive me and the chance to make my own pasta. Suprisingly it was astonishingly easy, you mix the flour and egg together then pass it through the machine, again and again and again!

If you would like to see some photos from this challenge take a look at a slideshow here (You may need to have Silverlight installed which can be downloaded here)

Oh and to any family reading this a pasta machine would make an excellent birthday present! You have seventeen weeks!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A post or something like one at least!

Sorry for the delay in a new blog, I just can't get into the mindset to be able to write a post without bleeding my heart out. This would probably bore, offend, annoy or give you more of an incite into my life than I am quite comfitable with.

I hope that I will have a new post next weekend as I do have plans to tick something of the list, which item I won't say just to keep you in suspence. That and the plans are not finalised yet so it may all go to pot yet.

Blog to you soon.

P.S. Thank you to all those who read my blog, I set up the tracking the other day due to intrigue and am hugely amazed at the volume of people who read this but also come back to read the updates. To you I am hugely greatful and I hope one day I am able to convey my appreciation to you all properly.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been 2 weeks since my last blog!

Though in all fairness not a blooming lot has happened. Apart from one friend/reader complaining about my spelling (Hence why this has been through a splel chekcer).

To be honest the list is beginning to get to me. It’s not because I don’t want to do anything, or I feel pressure to get the bits done. The reason I am getting annoyed at it is that I don’t know how to finish it off. Those who have read properly know I want to do 21 things for my 21st, unfortunately the list only extends to 15 in its present incarnation. On that note, any suggestions of items to add to the list are truly welcome!

Apologies for the short post, but not much to say. Until the next time…