Sunday, February 8, 2009


Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been 2 weeks since my last blog!

Though in all fairness not a blooming lot has happened. Apart from one friend/reader complaining about my spelling (Hence why this has been through a splel chekcer).

To be honest the list is beginning to get to me. It’s not because I don’t want to do anything, or I feel pressure to get the bits done. The reason I am getting annoyed at it is that I don’t know how to finish it off. Those who have read properly know I want to do 21 things for my 21st, unfortunately the list only extends to 15 in its present incarnation. On that note, any suggestions of items to add to the list are truly welcome!

Apologies for the short post, but not much to say. Until the next time…


  1. another one could be to be faster than Becky! =P

  2. Can't help but notice that you spelt the word spell wrong.

  3. I can arrange #1 for you. Leave it with me ;) You have to go for a fun dive!!! How about a couple of Xtreme sports on there....

    I would also add either reading a dictionary or replacing your spell checker to the list too!!! LOL
