Friday, January 9, 2009

One Week...

Ok, I have had some asks to blog again because it has been a week and to keep it a "regular blog" I should update it at a minimum once a week. My only problem with that is Im not entirely sure of the point of blogging unless you have something to say, so with this in mind I apologise for any ramblings and on to the update!

Well the list unfortunetly isnt finished yet, but I have added it so it appears at the top of the blog and I will check bits off and link it to the relevent blog posts so it will act as a form of contents I suppose.

As far as acting on the items I have started reading Hitchhikers (again - have only read the first) and am currently on chapter 12, which for me isnt bad. I have booked the flights up to Edinburgh for the 24th so am all set for a Burns Supper and traditional Ceilidh.

Well that's all for now, blog to you all (well as far as I know 3 of you!) again later!


  1. Dave! i want photo evidence of every single challenge being done ok! :D

  2. Ah I am working on this one, hoping to pick up a new camera

  3. can i help you with 2 of them please!! 2a and 9!!
    besgt of luck, all my love
    Lil xxxx

  4. Can we just have the timelapse of you reading Hitch-Hikers??
    Good luck Dave I'm sure you can do them all!

  5. You haven't read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy yet??? Make sure you have a towel with you when visiting the new country / home countries :-)

    Chris from Germany

  6. I have many suggestions for your fifth "new book" you should read, I think it should be something completely different to the four already mentioned, perhaps Little Women? Personally, my favourite book is What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones. Will think of more suggestions, watch this space! =P

    Rach x
